Grounded – FynArts Gallery, 2021

by Candice Cruse

Perhaps a feeling many of us will relate to during the testing past year is that we have all been grounded and un-grounded in some way or another. ‘Grounded’ can be a feeling of belonging, a possession, a space – real or imagined – which can contain a feeling of safety. Similarly, it can be a feeling of limitation: a grounded plane, a feeling of being lost, a pupil restricted from activities they enjoy for not conforming.

This exhibition aims to enchant and to inspire the viewer to ask, ‘why do artists depict a place/space?’

This initial inquiry transforms into a more pertinent visual quest by the curators to include questions around ‘how’ artists depict a place; what medium, references and subject matter do they use, and, what could it mean to be grounded?

This exhibition attempts to explore that resonance, showing works which in some way reveal what the artists found engaging about a place: a landscape, an interior, a community, a society, or, perhaps, a person. Grounded is an exploration of how artists delve into ever-complex spaces.

Grounded is part of the Hermanus FynArts Festival. The festival runs between 10 – 20 June.
The exhibition is on 18 July
at FynArts Gallery, The Courtyard, 2 Harbour Road, Hermanus.


Exhibition Works

Enquire for Price

Limited editions

City and nature

R 22200.00


Cyclone Japhet

R 9585.00
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Enquire for Price


New York

R 10000.00

Limited editions

Prosthetic III 1/5

R 14375.00

Limited editions

Prosthetic IV 1/5

R 14375.00



R 35500.00


Swartberg storm

R 7500.00


Table Mountain

R 17250.00


The guitarist

R 9900.00


The letter

R 24900.00



R 16500.00